Sunday, March 28, 2010

Scaphoid Fractures

Scaphoid fractures are one of the more common fractures in the wrist. They most often occur when you brace yourself from a fall or through a sports injury. Once a clinical exam occurs, most physicians will order a routine radiograph of the wrist. Scaphoid fractures most often do not cause much swelling and bruising so at times treatment may be delayed for some patients. Many times, the fracture will be visible on the xray. If, however, the exam is negative but their is continued suspician a CT of the wrist will be performed. This exam is readily available and is quick and less costly than an MRI. CT provides excellent boney detail. Scaphoid fractures respond well to treatment and will heal nicely. However, if one does not get treated the fracture can heal unevenly and cause long term pain and also arthritis. Above are some images of scaphoid fractures.

1 comment:

  1. Brain tumors -- including meningiomas, posterior fossa tumors, and acoustic neuromas.
