Friday, October 9, 2009

Temporal bone fractures

Temporal bone fractures occur in the transverse plane and longitudinal plane. These fractures are the result of blunt force trauma. They can result in hearing loss, visual disturbances, facial paralysis, and vertigo. Sometimes these symptoms may be delayed.

Prior to CT's improved detail and spatial resolution, imaging didn't play a big role in diagnosing this. Now with the advent of multi-slice and 3 D reconstruction, CT is at the fore front of this treatment plan. Most patients will present quickly as they will also have basilar skull fractures or raccoon eyes. If a temporal bone fracture goes undiagnosed initially, the patient may present with CSF otorrhea or hearing dysfunction.

Most of these type fractures resolve on their own. Usually, these patients present with much more serious injuries ranging from whole organ injury to skull fractures. These injuries are taken care of first. However, in most cases, even the CSF leak, this resolves in times ranging from 7-14 days to 2-3 weeks for more serious cases.

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